Monday, April 3, 2017

[Career Job Vacancy] BFT Refueling Management Engineer - ZTE Indosat - Indosat Project

ZTE Indonesia Indosat Project now need : BFT Refueling Management Engineer.You can send CV via you. 

1.Overall responsibility to carry out refueling for project access network sites. 
2. Settlement of monthly alarms based fuel reconciliation with customer. 
3. Recovery of the liquidated damages as imposed by customer from all concerned suppliers. 
4.Follow up and guidance to all regional team members to get the needful work done timely and efficiently. 
5. Addressing queries, concerns of customer for their satisfaction and without loss to ZTE interests. 
6. Analysis and escalations of serious concerns with suppliers for remedy and improvement. 
7. Ensure minimum fuel outage with Controlled fueling in the project. 
8. Making Move Plan (considering NOC Alarms, Battery Backups , Field engineer feed Back and refueling Record ) 
9.Cross verification of Daily refueling report and sharing timely with all concerned 
10. Making alarm based Fuel Reconciliation report on Monthly basis. 
11.Taking follow up for down sites due to fuel finish 
12.Supervising refueling NOC/Hot Line. 
13.Calculating the saving of gadgets(fuel saving devices) against each site

BFT Refueling Management Engineer - ZTE Indosat - Indosat Project 

[Career Job Vacancy] BFT Refueling Management Engineer - ZTE Indosat - Indosat Project


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